It doesn't have to be this hard.

I can help you to build your personal brand, get visible with confidence (without being someone you're not & having to be on social media everyday) and attract a steady stream of your
soulmate clients without selling your soul in the process. 

My 1-2-1 personal branding programme for big-hearted entrepreneurs who want to show up online with ease 


Everyone else seems to make it look easy - whenever you go online it feels really overwhelming and you’re wondering how the hell are you meant to cut through the noise? You’ve tried a few things to be visible but have quickly retreated and found it hard to stay consistent. You're not sure what to say or how to share it. 

You're dreaming about making a difference in the world and having an inbox full of your soulmate clients wanting to work with you.

You know you need to get visible and be seen as an expert in your field so that your dream clients can find out about you but you don't know how to do this in a way that feels genuine to you.

It's no good being brilliant at what you do if no-one knows about it! 

You know you need to be visible in order to grow your business, but still find yourself hiding in the shadows. 

You have something you want to share with the world. But something is stopping you. 

This is ALL possible. I'll show you how!

Grow your audience, attract your soulmate clients without selling your soul or losing your integrity 

Feel excited about marketing your business and getting your message out to more people 

Consistently show up online without draining your energy (and time) 

Have complete clarity over your brand and direction 

What if you could...

Over the past decade, I've helped hundreds small business owners to get clarity over their brand and get visible with genuine confidence. 

Most business owners I work are worried about coming across as arrogant or full of themselves and they think no-one really wants to hear from them. They just want to do their work and the marketing side just feels like a headache. 

I know what it's like to feel that way

It's easy to keep hiding, but you know your business won't grow if you continue 

You can get to a place where being visible in your business is exciting and empowering 

“Before starting the coaching programme with Vicki I struggled immensely with visibility. The idea of showing my face on social media filled me with dread. My confidence was at an all-time low.

Vicki provided exercises that pushed me to reassess my values and strengths, prompting me to delve deep into understanding why I do what I do and uncovering my unique abilities that I could proudly share with the world. 

The tangible results of the coaching were profound. I no longer hesitate to show my face online and I've embraced imperfection on Instagram, prioritising authenticity in delivering my message. 

The impact of Vicki's coaching on my confidence, clarity and ability to authentically present myself to the world cannot be overstated. I've gone from shaking with fear at the thought of posting on social media to confidently sharing videos with my followers.

To anyone considering investing in Vicki's coaching programme but feeling unsure, I wholeheartedly recommend it. If you have any fears about showing up on social media, working with Vicki should be a top priority. It's not just about getting your face out there; it's about uncovering your unique qualities and learning how and why you should share them with your audience.  

- Amanda J

"Vicki's coaching programme was transformative!"

  • You don't have to be visible everywhere, all of the time or jump on every new platform that comes along. 

  • You don't have to show up in ways that make you feel silly, unnatural or unsafe. I will suggest ways for you to expand your comfort zones a little, but not in a way that makes you want to run and hide! 

  • It's not just about money. I believe in building a profitable, sustainable business that lights you up and delights your clients.

  • You can be visible with authenticity and run a business with integrity - no sleazy tactics or buying followers here (if you've done this in the past, there's no judgement from me!) 

I believe that....

We'll look at your personality and strengths and formulate a plan for you to become visible in a way that feels utterly authentic to you. 

You'll feel excited and empowered to share your message with the world in a way that feels right for you. 


We'll work through any visibility blocks that you have that may be holding you back. We'll look at ways that you can gently expand your comfort zones each month (not smash through them and make you feel horribly uncomfortable).

You'll feel confident and empowered to show up in your business. 


We start our time together by getting crystal clear about your personal brand and your business.

We will deep dive into your values, your personality, your business goals, resulting in clarity and focus which will make everything in your business easier. 


My 121 Programme is Focused on Getting You Results in 3 Core Ways

apply now

If you're looking to attract more of your dream clients, be more profitable and impact more lives - you need to be seen & trusted

Get visible with confidence

I believe in authentic, big-hearted marketing, so you'll be showing up in a way that doesn't mean you have to change who you are or sell your soul in the process! 

With my help, you'll go from feeling invisible and nervous about being seen, to showing up in your business with genuine confidence

Over the past decade, I've trained and mentored over 100 business owners and helped them to grow their personal brands to attract their dream clients and ultimately run a thriving business that they love. 

I'm a branding photographer and visibility strategist and have run my own thriving business for over 15 years. Prior to setting up my business, I had a successful 10 year career working in the advertising/marketing/sales industry.

I’m a lifelong learner and always have my head in a business or personal development book. I’m a a qualified Positive Psychology Coach Practitioner and completed a 2 year Level 5 diploma with the Positive Psychology Guild in December 2023. 

I've learnt that building my own personal brand and getting visible has made such a difference to my business and meant that I can attract my dream clients with ease. But I also understand the resistance to this (I've had my fair share!) and it's my mission to now help more people get visible in their businesses with genuine confidence. 

I will help you to be authentically visible and attract your dream clients effortlessly

Hi, I'm Vicki 

What's the investment?

well, this sounds great.

After 3 months, you have the option to add additional sessions if you want more support in your business



+ 3 months of bespoke visibility & personal brand coaching & consulting
+ Access to 'Uncover your Magic' personal brand clarity course (worth £175) 
+ We kick off with a 1.5 hour deep dive call 
+ Followed by four 60 minute 1:1 calls 
+ Access to Vicki via email for help & advice between calls 

what's included: 


“I came away with a whole new mindset on how to run a thriving & profitable business. One that fits my life and brings me and my clients joy.

Vicki is very generous with her knowledge and experience and has been highly supportive throughout.."

- Aby R

"I would highly recommend working with Vicki"

Vicki's coaching gave me the confidence to show who I am, rather than who I think I had to be. Might sound cliche but it was a true eye-opening. 
The biggest revelation was realising I had spent a lot of time making sure my career choice was aligned with my values & vision… and I never thought to do the same for marketing! It makes perfect sense and fully resonated.

- Noemi M

"I gained more from the programme than I ever thought possible"

  • You've been in business for more than a year 

  • You're missing out on clients and opportunities due to a fear of being visible in your business 

  • You feel exhausted by trying to market your business and feel uncomfortable putting yourself out there

  • You're worrying about what people will think if you're more visible in your business. 

  • You're wondering if you're cut out for this. You love what you do, but you know you're not marketing yourself properly and you're struggling to get new clients as a result. 

We're a great match if...

How do I apply?

Sounds brilliant!


Apply here 

I take your time and investment seriously and want to ensure that I'm the right person to help you. 

Please complete the form below and I'll take a look at your business and check that I think this programme is a good fit for your needs. 

I'm so happy that you're keen to work with me. 

I'll respond to your enquiry within 2 days. If you haven't heard from me, please check your junk folder as sometimes my emails need rescuing!


Thank you!


Great, I have answers! 

have a question?

We will have 5 sessions via Zoom over the 3 month period - giving you time to implement the things we discuss in between. 

I complete the online visibility audit outside of these calls and you will receive a 16 page detailed audit of your current online visibility within the 3rd month. This will help us create a plan for you that will attract those dream clients. 

how is the programme delivered?

This mentoring programme is by application only. I take your time and investment seriously and I want to make sure that I am the right person to help you before you sign up with me. 

Simply fill in the application form and give me as much detail as possible so I can see if we are a good fit. If I feel I can help you to get to where you want to be, I will send you the booking information and our work will begin together! 

how do I book?

It's the perfect blend of all 3! I believe we often have the answers inside us, so I will ask intuitive questions to help you find these. And I will also offer my advice as someone with a vast amount of experience of being visible in my own business. I will help you set your goals and action steps and I will keep you accountable in a positive and encouraging way.

I'm not going to force you to do anything as that won't be good for anyone. You have to put in the commitment and show up if you want to see results!

is this coaching, consulting or business training? 

I have a limited number of spaces available each month to work with brilliant business owners like you.

When you apply, I will let you know when we could start working together. Once I've sent you all of the booking info we then schedule in our calls. We kick off with a 90 minute deep dive session followed by 4 further 60 minute  sessions.

when does the programme start?

I'm in

Are you ready stop hiding and get visible with genuine confidence?    

— Naomi M

"I could not have asked for a better mentor. Vicki is incredibly friendly, knowledgeable and genuinely wants to help.

Her experience shines through when giving advice. I am so thankful for all the words of wisdom and giving me the confidence to grow a business that I am truly proud of. A very worthy investment … thank you Vicki."